I can't let go. Why's that song stuck in my head?
I wonder who still reads my blog?
I feel like crying. Why do girls always make it seem like they've been through he'll and back? I feel completely and utterly useless. I just need to vent. I can't study for shit!
I'm in college now wth is wrong with me. I took Applied Psychology to better understand my needs, who I am. That's really helped (Input Sarcasm Here) I'm always able to help someone, some being, but nobody is ever able to help me. I feel the fixation engulfing my aura. I'm standing still yet again. Where's my girlfriend?
I've read your blogs, it's absurd how they get to me. The irony is so cruel. All I ever did was want to help you, but you pushed me away. I hope my girlfriend doesn't get mad at this, but it's really bothering me. I bet you don't even read my blog. I'm nothing, but a former shell to become dust in the wind right? You're the first stranger that really gave me hope, one that have no intention to hurt me, but you did so anyways. There was no reaction formation needed to acquire your goodside. Just so you know pandalover272539. I hope your dreams come through after you become a nurse.
Aghh I hope this is water under the bridge now. I can't stand people who just suddenly forget about me. It leaves me puzzled with such frustration, such audacity!
Babe let's forget the projection. 2 wrongs don't make a write. Why fight fire with fire when you have like 80% of water in this world. I didn't study at all. I'm screwed for psych, piano, pe, and jap tomorrow. School from 9am-9:30pm tomorrow. Somebody text me!