Again & Again I find myself lost. Listening to music for hints. Star gazing to rejuvenate my soul. Where exactly am I? Why am I not happy? Wheres those nice strangers who give you hope through the gift of an umbrella in the pouring rain? I see myself losing hope in humanity. Its almost as if I'm living just to live; with no purpose.
I finally realized how cocky I am. My ego has brought me as far as it can. Its shown me where I start and end. My ID is ridiculous, filled with thoughts of self satisfaction and pleasure; wanting to avoid pain. Although my superego makes up for everything with its highly sustained morals. Lately I feel my morals slipping away. I find myself breaking promises here and there. I already temporarily stopped promising, I don't think I can keep anything anymore.
- Buy a 50mm 1.8 for my 400D
- Upgrade to a Canon T1i [Sometime in the near future]
- Rasterbate a picture
- Write a 3 page essay for psychology
- Ignite my fire
- Practice Jap A-N
- Fulfill my photographic passion
- Get a job that covers medical
- Master my hair thinning style
- Get True Blue III's
- Finish all 18 Volumes of Ichigo 100%
- Run 5miles a week
- Stop playing pokemon
- Ease up on omgpop
- Learn how to use facebook
- Travel to the future to see how Bleach and Naruto end
- Reply to everyone who conversates with me
- Finish learning how to play Hikari on piano
- Stop having people asking me if I Bboy
- Buy Soul Silver from Japan
- Learn how to backflip
- Finish my windmill
- Pwn Madi in draw my thing
- Initiate my 1 year present for babe
- Finish my 36" KEYBLADE
- Pass my driving test on the 24th
- Realign sleep pattern
- See my girlfriend!
Great Rasterbation

(; teehee. Hewo.