Happy 9 months babe!
Jeez has it really been that long? Muhahah I made it on time, its still the 24th.
For the people that still read my blog, sorry I haven't been putting up pictures lately. I'm preoccupied, I have a bunch off phone pictures on my desktop. I'll get to them sometime over summer, but as of now I really need to blow off some steam.
AGHHH! So I'm getting 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled out. Sigh* I can barely handle a cleaning, FML.
Anyways I've been thinking what love really is. Why does it feel as if it is slipping away? Is it true that those who aren't impatient are not in love? Lately all I have been doing is letting nature take its course. What can I do? It seems like love has taken its toll on me and I'm a little low on moolah. I've used up so much change as it is. I know I'm not the only guy to suffer behind the hands of strict parenting. It's just so painfully ironic that I can leave at 3am without a word and she can't even go 3 blocks down to 711 in plain daylight.
To our concern I've tired over and over again to be strong. I've always looked towards the future, but its not getting any closer. I don't even know what I really want. She won't even refresh my memory. A love like this can never forget, I know that much. Although at this day and age, wth am I doing in such a situation. Nobody can ever understand me. Nobody can ever help me. I want nobody nobody, but you.
After catching the midnight imax premiere of transformers it made me think how much time we really have left. Love is so huge practically everyone hesistates in some form when it comes to it. The thing I really can't understand is how can something so huge and breath taking be forbidden. People really don't learn that the more you limit one to, the more they will want it once they acquire a taste.
Ugh! I can't believe her parents are like this. I understand being protective and everything, but at this rate they will never learn how to fend for themselves. I'm fed up with that "You're too young!" excuse. You can die at anytime.
"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day."
"Teach a man to fish, feed him for life."
I forgot where I heard that quote, but it really gets to me. I know it may be too hard to let go, but thats life. I think it's eagles or somekind of bird that pushes their younglings off the nest hoping they will sprout their wings and spontaneously learn how to fly.
Wow look at me just ranting on and on.
I still remember the first time you said "I love you." It sounded soo forced.
Man we've gone far. 8 months later I feel every bit of it when said. I wish you would knock some sense into me ( Literally ) Too bad you can't set foot beyond your door. I'll stop here, but I won't leave anything left unsaid.
Thow it!
49 minutes ago
Congrats on your 9 months! :)
ReplyDeleteWisdom teeth removal is nothing during the process if you're knocked out. Just be aware that you'll be in terrible pain for at least a week. Chipmunk cheeks and all.
I'm sorry her parents are so protective. Traditional much? Eventually, they will let loose a little or she would start lying. At least... I had to start lying... a lot. Can she not hang out with friends either? That's a really contained life to live. No room to make mistakes and no room to experience life...
Thanks Karen!
ReplyDeleteUgh my cheeks we're puffy for the first 3 days T____T