Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chrome Hype.

Man wtf is up with the world. Everything is so redundant. When I look around I see people always in a rush, but never headed towards anywhere. Everybody always has something to say; Cloning, Stem Cell Research, Designer Babies, DSLRS, Blogs, Photography. I'm fking tired of hypocrites.

FS: OG Hosois & Bamboo Trainers 9

What exactly is the difference between Fate and Destiny? Fate is where you sit and wait? Destiny is the choices you make and not the risk you take? Ugghhh why can't i fking do shit? All I can do here is sit and wait. I can't stand behind something if I don't support it. I miss Lareine.

When I'm Gone.mp3


  1. Gasp. I think this is the first time I've read the girlfriend's name. =O!

  2. Dude what's up with you?

    You needa talk to me.

    About "never let me go" that is.

    But seriously tho, you need to talk.


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