Anyways I didn't go to school so you could have fun. Ugh now I need to get up to buy you spamusubi -__- This is exactly why I say you're getting fat. Aghh! Its okay though I'll join you and have one for myself since you probably wont share yours with me =O
"Destiny is the choices we make, not the risks we take."

On a lighter note; sike.
Buy my stuff guys :D

Chasing Cars.mp3
As many of you know, fellow sneaker website solecollector has just announced a yearly fee of $5 to agree to agreements, and bump/make a new listing in the marketplace. This has already begun to create a lot of discussion with many people siding against the idea. As you can imagine a lot of users are going to start migrating forums because of this. So why not come join us at MKS? We have a better atmosphere than many competitor websites, a lot of very informative people, and we don’t charge you any money!! The only thing we require for you to start posting in the listing section is for you to have 150 posts, and you MUST sell legit items. It’s as easy as that. Why not come sign up as soon as you get the chance? It’s worth a try right?