Ugh what a day. I couldn't make it to Fanime yet again today. I hope Wenz [] got me a plush pokeball though >___>
Anyways sorry I had to flake on you Gab [], but I was preoccupied with a job opening. Treat me out though brooo! LMAO.
Happy 8 months babe! This needs its own blog entry so I'll continue it on later.
Friday was dope. Word to Jofer and his BBQ.
I need to get my camera back from James [] and my freaking PS3 from Jerimiah! -___-
- $.88 Sodas turned into non generics
- Pwned Johnel, Gonzalo, Stelio, Mary, and Steven in pool
- Ryan's Palabok <3
- PS I Love You = Stupid
- Janga FTW

Ramsey's Bucket

"My teas gone cold I'm wondering why i..
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
And I cant see at all
And even if I could it'll all be gray,
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that its not so bad,
Its not so bad"