Wednesday, December 31, 2008
So i really need to get a lot off my chest and i don't know where to start. Its so freaking loud at my house and the aroma of food is intoxicating, but I'm actually enjoying it a little. I've always overlooked so many things, but when it really comes down to it, its the simple things in life that shouldn't be taking granted for. Whether they are the casual sit down dinners with the family to the TGIF Karaoke nights, Its important to remember how precious these moments really are. I'm really thankful to have a gf who's actions made me realize it so. Although i really can't say I'm happy without her by my side right now, I am to a certain extent. I Love You, I really wish i could of spent this night with you. I miss you soo much. I PROMISE to work on my jealousy, envy, stupidity, irrationality & melancholyness. I'll Love You Forever & Ever, I'm looking forward to all the days we'll have together and if it is forever then maybe you'll understand the half of it. Aghh okay enough of I already, Anyways Happy New Years!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Day 10
So its the 10th day of break and even though its felt immensely long without her, i wish it wasn't going to end so soon. Aghhh! I'm not ready for 2009. Ugh so i think I'll start with what made & killed my day.
Made: Lareine's Present/Not having to eat her cookies
Killed: Not being able to hold her/Spend time with her/Give her the scarf
Anyways 12308 Recap
- Surprise visit by James
- Migraine
- Mcdonald's Ice Cream Cone
- Stonestown
- Awesomely hilarious gift <3

OMG so i really didn't expect such a gift. I'm still pretty much speechless right now, my face was a combination of O.o + >.> as i lugged that hefty Pikachu home. I know its weird, but i love it and that's not just cause I'm a major Pikafanatic. Anyways i truly madly deeply love this jerk who can penetrate my heart with such ease though.
JALFAE092408;6:04 <3
Made: Lareine's Present/Not having to eat her cookies
Killed: Not being able to hold her/Spend time with her/Give her the scarf
Anyways 12308 Recap
- Surprise visit by James
- Migraine
- Mcdonald's Ice Cream Cone
- Stonestown
- Awesomely hilarious gift <3

OMG so i really didn't expect such a gift. I'm still pretty much speechless right now, my face was a combination of O.o + >.> as i lugged that hefty Pikachu home. I know its weird, but i love it and that's not just cause I'm a major Pikafanatic. Anyways i truly madly deeply love this jerk who can penetrate my heart with such ease though.
JALFAE092408;6:04 <3

Monday, December 29, 2008
Day 9
Day 9 of break and I'm dying. I don't have many words left in me so I'll let the pictures talk.
I'm extremely disappointed with TIZs' new line.
WDYWT 122908
Supreme x TIZ x Members Only x Levis x Nike

So i like never go to the bathrooms at Tanforan and well i was just a little shocked.

LORINA! I need that Azuki Sticker. >.>

PS: The pictures you took are uploaded on my FlickR
I'm extremely disappointed with TIZs' new line.
WDYWT 122908
Supreme x TIZ x Members Only x Levis x Nike

So i like never go to the bathrooms at Tanforan and well i was just a little shocked.

LORINA! I need that Azuki Sticker. >.>

PS: The pictures you took are uploaded on my FlickR

For Sale!
- Location: Bay Area 415/650
- Meet ups at my time & place
- Trades are welcome
- Wanted:
[]Teal Half Cabs 9-9.5
[]Blue Huf Herringbone 7 1/8-1/4
- USPS Money Order/Concealed Cash [At Your Own Risk]
- Double Box Shipped via USPS Priority
- FLAKERS GTFO, Please & Thank You
VVNDS Khaki Hundreds Button Up; Small
Worn Once; Fits Like a Small-Medium
BIN: $40

Members Only Jacket; M
Lightly Worn
BIN: $40

North Face Neck Zip; M
Lightly Worn; Very Warm
BIN: $50

- Meet ups at my time & place
- Trades are welcome
- Wanted:
[]Teal Half Cabs 9-9.5
[]Blue Huf Herringbone 7 1/8-1/4
- USPS Money Order/Concealed Cash [At Your Own Risk]
- Double Box Shipped via USPS Priority
- FLAKERS GTFO, Please & Thank You
VVNDS Khaki Hundreds Button Up; Small
Worn Once; Fits Like a Small-Medium
BIN: $40

Members Only Jacket; M
Lightly Worn
BIN: $40

North Face Neck Zip; M
Lightly Worn; Very Warm
BIN: $50

Friday, December 26, 2008
Day 6 x 7
Today was quite the time. So its like the 6th day of break and its by far the best. Lareine really surprised me today; being able to go out and all. At first i really didn't want to get my hopes up, but what can I do when I'm oh so in love?
Anyways 12/26/08 Recap
-Rushed Gift
-Hysterical Silence
-Met Lorina
-Bought tickets for Seven Pounds, but ended up watching Bed Time Stories?
-Lareine <3
-Great Day, Terrible Night
12/27/08 Recap
-Almost died at the Tenderloin
-Azuki Hoody! TY Lorina & Zalo!!!
-Meet up with Rolo
-Westfield, TH, HUF
-Missed Lareine Really Really Badly
-Bart Door Closing = Fail
-150+ Pictures to Process >.>
WDYWT Supreme x Azuki x Levis x Nike

Cat x Rat x Dog? O.o

Aghh i need a zip up from there!



Car hood ftw!?

Shooting Star!!? o.O
Anyways 12/26/08 Recap
-Rushed Gift
-Hysterical Silence
-Met Lorina
-Bought tickets for Seven Pounds, but ended up watching Bed Time Stories?
-Lareine <3
-Great Day, Terrible Night
12/27/08 Recap
-Almost died at the Tenderloin
-Azuki Hoody! TY Lorina & Zalo!!!
-Meet up with Rolo
-Westfield, TH, HUF
-Missed Lareine Really Really Badly
-Bart Door Closing = Fail
-150+ Pictures to Process >.>
WDYWT Supreme x Azuki x Levis x Nike

Cat x Rat x Dog? O.o

Aghh i need a zip up from there!



Car hood ftw!?

Shooting Star!!? o.O

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!?
What a Christmas, definitely another one for the book! Sigh* Okay enough with the sarcasm, but it really just feels like another typical day. You know of those days where time seems to stand still leading nowhere. I don't know, maybe my life does just blow that hard. How does one define Christmas anyways? A day of merriment where one must cherish precious moments with loved ones? Is it really mandatory? I mean aren't we expected to do it already? I believe its just an excuse to give and receive joy, but i guess i shouldn't be complaining even though we shouldn't be rewarded for something we're expected to do. Aghh i miss Lareine! T.T
Buy My SHIRT!!!!!!!

Since when did Burger King have chips?


Looks like me right?
Buy My SHIRT!!!!!!!

Since when did Burger King have chips?


Looks like me right?

Let It Play.
Agh its Christmas! Although it just seems like another typical day. I'll update more later, till them keep yourself entertained with 46 of my favorite songs. LOL!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Leave out all the rest.
Sigh* Anyways i think ill start with what made and killed my day.
Made: Lareine's phone call
Killed: Not being able to pick it up the 1st time & Not getting my Teal Half Cabs
So this is the third night in a row in which i can't sleep, i just miss her too much for my own good. I used to ponder how the outcome came to be, but I've found my resolve. Albert Einstein once said "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." But what exactly can that mean right? Maybe you guys should go figure that out for yourselves. As Jerimiah would say, "Opportunities multiple as they are seized." Think about it.

Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight. Happy 3 months Jerk. <3
Made: Lareine's phone call
Killed: Not being able to pick it up the 1st time & Not getting my Teal Half Cabs
So this is the third night in a row in which i can't sleep, i just miss her too much for my own good. I used to ponder how the outcome came to be, but I've found my resolve. Albert Einstein once said "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." But what exactly can that mean right? Maybe you guys should go figure that out for yourselves. As Jerimiah would say, "Opportunities multiple as they are seized." Think about it.

Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight. Happy 3 months Jerk. <3
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Summit Failure
So the ISS Summit was a fail, kinda expected that from last years results though. I didn't even want to go, but someone pretty much forced me. -__- So anyways we basically just spent most of the day downtown.

Gabe's Decent Snapshot

More on my flickr =

Gabe's Decent Snapshot

More on my flickr =
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Just so you know.
It makes no sense does it? Who's to say it has to be? What could you do in that situation? Where was your heart at the moment? Why did you just stand there when you felt so strongly about them? When did you realize how foolish you've been? How could he accomplish what you could not? I'm definitely not one to talk, I've always held the things i wanted to say. I could never let anyone in, i didn't want to let anyone in. Although i can understand how it feels to have your significant other slip away and feel so helpless as it occurs. You can't let that take its toll on you. If it was that much of an impact, don't give up on a 2nd chance. Maybe one day we'll be able to talk about it, but as of now we both have similar goals and its for their happiness.
Day 2
Its only day 2 of Winterbreak and I'm already dying. I miss her too much. I have too much on my mind again. I need answers, but i can barely remember the questions. Aghh anyways enough of that! I'm still debating if i should go to the summit tomorrow. I really don't feel the Christmas spirit this year, at least not yet.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Evolution of Dance
We based our dance on how normal individuals can become just like superheroes by just being harder faster better stronger, hence the song. To summarize it hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard, which we did not do. Surprisingly we put everything off till the last day and i mean that quite literally. Practiced the full choreography only once and the results show how out of sync we were. Freakng procrastination though.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Hamlet x Taimaishuuyo
Agh finals suck! Been a while since I've updated this though.
[Watch it in HD though]
Will add more content later.
[Watch it in HD though]
Will add more content later.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Gah! Its been so freaking cold lately though. I've been awake since 5 though and i thought id just list all the things id need to bring today.
Dance Portfolio
Yearbook Pages 130-131
HDD Video Camera
Money for The City Today
Will update blog later.
Dance Portfolio
Yearbook Pages 130-131
HDD Video Camera
Money for The City Today
Will update blog later.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Compact Flashes Suck!
Okay so I'm really irritated at how Zalo's fcuking 4g CF lost 100 of my pictures, As i was uploading them onto my laptop it catches an error losing my most important pictures i took throughtout the day in the process. Man WTH though! That's like losing a 100,000 word essay since each picture contains at least 1000 words give or take, but on the brightside i still have some Rally pics and half of the Karaoke pics that didn't get so tragically erased. Anyways short summary of Friday.
Video Story [Calm down though jerks! I'll upload it before next year okay?]
Fil-Am Karaoke Night
The Day The Earth Stood Still with Jerimiah, Pinky, Vannesa, & Ramsey.
Bus to Jofers with 5 random skaters singing
Ate 20 Cupcakes
White PS3!!!!
& I'll Light your Bud, LMAO! >.>

Video Story [Calm down though jerks! I'll upload it before next year okay?]
Fil-Am Karaoke Night
The Day The Earth Stood Still with Jerimiah, Pinky, Vannesa, & Ramsey.
Bus to Jofers with 5 random skaters singing
Ate 20 Cupcakes
White PS3!!!!
& I'll Light your Bud, LMAO! >.>

Jeez okay I'm finally home now and i wish i werent, I just notice all the stuff i have to do. Freaking finals though and our group choreo for dance that isnt even done yet let alone practiced! WTH! And another add on is how we have 3 bathrooms, but theyre all occupied!? -__-
Friday, December 12, 2008
Agh so I'm so fatigued from today, what a day. I'm currently over at Jofers with Gabe, Kris, Mike, & Ramsey. DUDE! I ate so many cupcakes!!!!!!!!!! >.> I'm like about to pass out. OMG wheres my phone though, Aghh nvm i'll just leave my alarm on and have everyone wake up at 5am. =D Speaking of which, Ughh sorry for the weird texts Gabe sent Lareine! I MISS YOU! And you have my keys jerk! LMAO, Hmm, So i wonder why you think im weird cause i don't call you babe? Maybe i don't like refering to you as a pig aka babe, your pink enough as it is? Or maybe youre beyond that cause I LOVE YOU so much! O.o Gah! You still have to tell me why monkeys love bananas so much! Gah! my mind is so dead, i have so many things to do though. I think I'll stop here for now.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Dear Karl.
Okay so i've read your latest blog earlier at school and it seems like you and I are in similar situations. I think people just don't understand the difference between love and the feeling of falling in love. People fall in love and start to take things for granted, losing immense feelings for that person, thinking they aren't right for each other because of a few problems here and there. "Never leave the one you love, for the one you like." Right? Love means a lot more then feelings. It means trust, equality, companionship, & a whole lot of heart. I just wish people could understand that those butterflies in your stomach won't always last. That they know what there getting themselves into from the start. Anyways aghhhh Lareine if your reading this, sorry i didn't pick up your call earlier! I fell asleep and its too late to call you now. T.T
I Love You!
I Love You!
Sorry if the pics aren't as extravagant as they used to be, but i've become a lot more fascinated by video production lately, rather then photography. Also sorry if i haven't posted any of the videos yet, ill try to fit them into Sunday since I'm so preoccupied with events. Will update with a follow through later on.
Agh the sky though!

Are these where you get your strange questions from Lareine? -__-

It was nice lighting inside Starbucks. >.>
Agh the sky though!

Are these where you get your strange questions from Lareine? -__-

It was nice lighting inside Starbucks. >.>

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