Sunday, December 7, 2008


I wonder how many evaluate love through logic? Does that really work? Even if it does succeed, can that even be called love? Love can't be based off two being selfish or selfless, putting their own feelings or their significant others ahead of themselves together as one will lead nowhere. Hearts are just so unpredictable since they are constantly changing. Mine has always been so self reliant and impenetrable, but you've managed to get through. Have i gotten through yours? Is it broken? Can we work it out? Is it really worth it? Conscience or Heart? Will it ever be the same? There's a million questions on this path that may lead to pain. I don't want to influence what your heart is telling you to do! But if it is still broken, Lets fix it with and apply a coating of happiness. If its not working out, Let's keep trying over & over till it does. If it isn't worth it, Why can't we get over it? Relying on my conscience will never transcend me following my heart. I know for sure things will never be the same, but could they of always been the same? I've always thought you should never like a person if they aren't themselves. I've changed so much for you, but my hearts always been so empty, it just couldn't be helped. I don't look back as often as i used to, I'm always looking forward to see you, your smile, even your pinches. I mean could you truly love someone if hearts are always constantly changing, impacting the personas of the very character they are.
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