Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Where to start? Ugh today was such a drag, didn't even bother going to school. Only thing that made my day was seeing you for like 10mins after school, but even with that what you did later on sucked. I actually took the time to get up and go to school after 7th period was over with high expectations of seeing you. Although i did get to see you, things didn't go as plan, but its not a surprise considering how much your life hates me. Ahh it was hilarious how you were getting paranoid when i knew u were by the stairs, but it would of been much better if my plan to surprise you at your locker actually worked out, but i guess im just used to disappointments now. Not that im disappointed in you! okay!? Im disappointed in myself. Gah! i just notice how everyone of my blogs are so depressing. I don't ever think i'll be good enough for you even though you say i am. I dont want to believe i am and i dont know why. Maybe i just cant stand that a jerk like me can be with someone as perfect as you are. Faith or not that you are with me, I've never been happier. You actually put up with me when you don't need to. I'm just falling more and more inlove with you each day, I've already come to accept all the pain it will lead to. I've never knew there was a possibility that you would love me. I still need to catch my breathe when i look at you. Just believe me okay! I'll Definitely keep every promise I've made since Monday! Believe it!
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