Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just so you know.

It makes no sense does it? Who's to say it has to be? What could you do in that situation? Where was your heart at the moment? Why did you just stand there when you felt so strongly about them? When did you realize how foolish you've been? How could he accomplish what you could not? I'm definitely not one to talk, I've always held the things i wanted to say. I could never let anyone in, i didn't want to let anyone in. Although i can understand how it feels to have your significant other slip away and feel so helpless as it occurs. You can't let that take its toll on you. If it was that much of an impact, don't give up on a 2nd chance. Maybe one day we'll be able to talk about it, but as of now we both have similar goals and its for their happiness.
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